Monday 21 March 2016

Laugh Out Loud Ventures - Internship

Marketing and Sales Officer, Laugh Out Loud Ventures

About us

We write jokes for people.

At Laugh Out Loud Ventures, we create humour for a living: for clients, for our in house products and for ourselves. Our humour takes many forms: one-liners, pictures, articles, videos, websites and apps. We write and design for, and market to, a wide range of audiences, across countries and age groups.

We came into being in Mumbai two and a half years ago; we called ourselves an Indian humour brand then, and have stayed reasonably true to that label. Over this time, we have worked with big names across multiple industry sectors. We have worked on diverse kinds of projects with them: from digital humour-based properties, to on-ground humour-driven campaigns, to custom-made humour solutions to company requirements.

We also create our own products – for example,, our awesome humour in education product, which takes up a lot of our time.

Here are a few examples of our past and current clients: Food and beverage: Taco Bell, United Spirits Limited
Entertainment: Disney India, UTV India, Eros Productions, Reliance Digital Entertainment, Times Internet Limited

News: The Indian Express, Network18, Indiatimes

Politics: *We can’t tell you, because if we did…*


We are good people to work with. We can promise the following:
§  Importance of work: 80% of our work is truly unique, challenging and ground-breaking. We like that, and our trainees / interns do, too
§   Training: We like to talk, and that could be a bad thing in many settings. However, we usually talk about things which help our trainees / interns do their work better, and we’ve seen that this helps
§   Fun: We create humour, so it would be very unfortunate if we didn’t have a lot of fun doing our work. Thankfully, we do
§  Efficiency: You will not spend more than 5% of any day doing work that does not matter; we will try to minimize the time you spend working, for a given output
§  Long term benefits: If we like working with somebody (and the feeling is mutual), full time offers, rapid promotions and increased responsibility will follow

About our Marketing and Sales Officer role

We write humorous products for people; our Marketing and Sales Officers help us market these products, and are an integral part of the team. We will give you contacts of parents who have children in Std 1-10. We will assign a Team Lead and conduct training so you can do great Marketing Demos to these parents. You will do great Marketing Demos to these parents. They will buy LaughGuru ( for their children for Rs. 3K on average

What do our Marketing and Sales Officers do?

We envision the Marketing and Sales Officer role as an introduction to the worlds of Management and Sales. The role involves exposure to the following major activities:
§  How a good marketing product demo is done
§  Thinking at the speed of light to solve problems in Marketing and Sales
§  Meeting performance expectations and targets without creating stress
§  Using efficiency improvement tools to work as little as possible, for the maximum possible output

Why should you apply?

·        You cannot learn more about marketing and sales than you will in this role
·        You will accomplish great things, and have fun while doing them
·        You will be marketing products / services that are unique, and that you believe in
·        You will constantly be challenged, and get better and better at what you already do really well

What skills will you need?

Great communication skills, the ability to think on your feet, an interest in marketing and sales, and the ability to make a team trust and love you

How much does it pay?

You will get base reimbursement (all calls made on behalf of us). In addition, you will be paid per sale (what you will be paid will be this amount minus sales tax - so 86% of this amount e.g. 526 if the amount says 600):

·        20% per sale for the first 20 sales each (so, 600 per sale expected)
·        30% per sale for sales #21 -  #40 each (so, 900 per sale expected)
·        40% per sale for sales #41 - #60 each (so, 1200 per sale expected)
·        50% per sale for sales #61 - #80 each (so, 1500 per sale expected)

On average, you can expect to make 40 sales a month, and be paid 86% of (12K + 18K) = 86% of 30K = 26K per month

How do you apply?

Send your CV and a short description of any sales / marketing + leadership experience you have to and mandatory CC

Frequently Asked Questions, answered irreverently

Is this one of those internships that ‘pays’ you with experience and learning and occasional chai alone?

No. You can expect to earn a minimum of ~15K per month + there's experience and learning and all that good stuff.

Will I have to travel so long that I beat the 605th level of Candy Crush and have the privilege of spending Rs. 3000 on a portable charger?

No. All your meetings will happen within a 5 km radius of where you live / study / like to hang out. Travel might broaden the mind, but it also narrows the wallet.

Are the people we have to sell to very creepy, very very creepy, or the love children of Govind Tiwari and Taher Shah?

They are respectable parents. They will give you advice. They will give you food. 50% of the time, they will give you money. Then you will give us a percentage of the money, and treat your friends with the rest. Such is life.

Will you tell me that it’s marketing, and then suddenly reveal that it was a Sales internship all along?

No, we are not wolves in sheep’s clothing. We are sheep in sheep’s clothing. Or wolves in wolves’ clothing. Basically, we’ll tell you all the bad things up front. If you stay, we will reward you with much training and money. And hard work. Don’t forget the hard work

Will you set targets that are impossible, and then refuse to pay me at all?

No. You choose your targets. We pay you for that proportion of the target you achieve, and that includes bonuses for overachievement. If you fail to achieve the targets you choose for yourselves, we will probably shake our head sadly, and talk to you a lot (disappointedly), but we will not take your money and run away.

If I’m having trouble making sales, will you laugh at me like Mogambo or like the Joker?

We'll try three times to help you, and spend 3-5 hours from our side every time. Then we will fire you. (We said we'd be honest.) However, less than 5% of our Marketing and Sales Officers are ever fired.

Do you care about whether I learn at all? Or do you see me as a machine with comforting lies as input and bags of money as output?

We will start with 10 hours of training so, theoretically, you can get training for free and run away. But please don't.

Will my bosses drink coffee obsessively and swear at me all the time?

Your bosses will be awesome. The former might happen, the latter won't, unless you really screw up. In that case, it will definitely happen.

Am I going to become one of those dreaded salespeople everyone runs away from?

No. You are young and strong, and those you would sell to are at least two decades older. Where would they run?
In all seriousness, no. You will be doing product demos. That is to conventional door-to-door sales what a Ferrari is to an auto-rickshaw.

Will my sales be door-to-door, to people I do not know and who want me to go away five minutes?

No. We provide contacts. You set up meetings with those contacts. Only if they are interested do you meet with them. It’s like arranged marriages, if arranged marriages lasted 30 minutes.

Is my interview going to involve selling you a pen? I don’t want to sell you a pen.

No. Pens are uncool.

Are you going to buy me a one way ticket to hell by making me lie all the time?

No. We want you to sell our products, not your soul.

Do I embark on this long, weary quest all alone?

No, you have a team, and you will chill with your team, and your team will be awesome.

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